To the Glitter End . . . Get Your Nailpolish Stories Published!

I’ve heard a lot of people wonder aloud who the lucky guy is who gets to invent awesome crayon color names for a living (did you know there’s 120 core Crayola color names?). Seriously, can you imagine coming up with brilliant creative names like “macaroni and cheese” and “mango tango” and getting paid for it? The same goes for nail polish colors. “French Quarter for Your Thoughts,” “Ski Teal We Drop,” and “Barefoot in Barcelona”–what great names! And, as Nicole Monaghan, the founding editor of the flash fiction online journal, Nailpolish Stories, believes, what a great inspiration for a story!Fiction submissions must be 25 words, exactly, not including the title (and the title has to be a nail polish color). Ms. Monaghan is looking for stories that use powerful language, a minimum of adjectives, and that stuff a lot into a little space. Check out the full submission guidelines here.

Even if you don’t end up submitting to the journal, I’d encourage you to use this as a fun writing exercise. There are so many different nail polish colors–you could get lost in the amount of inspiration they offer!–and it doesn’t take long to write a 25 word story. I wrote ten one afternoon and loved the ideas they sparked up. Write a whole bunch and get your creative writing juices flowing! Maybe it’ll end up being the first sentence to your next novel!

Published by hannahkarena

author & book publishing person.

11 thoughts on “To the Glitter End . . . Get Your Nailpolish Stories Published!

  1. what a cool idea! We went to Crayola to visit once, and the name Macorni and Cheese was given to the crayon by a child. So when all else fails ask your kids for a color color name for nail polish to get you started. 🙂 I know I will.


    1. I didn’t know a child actually picked that name! I remember when I was younger and Crayola had a name-contest for a shade of pink. “Tickle-me-pink” won the contest and came into regular existence! Hope your child comes up with an awesome suggestion!


    1. Yey! I had fun with mine because I could switch between characters, plots, and scenes so quickly; snippets of bright inspiration led to a story, and then I could do the exciting part of being inspired for an entirely new 25 word story.


  2. I’ve been to Nailpolish Stories before. Some of the works that get posted there are amazing!

    I look forward to having a crack, myself — especially now that you’ve shared that Opi link! I wasn’t sure where to find interesting nail polish names, so thank you!


    1. Agreed, I loved sifting through their archives. Glad I could help with the link! I got lost in the never ending list of OPI names for an embarrassing amount of time…


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